BodyTalk and Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping and Bodytalk
Our mental and emotional health has far-reaching effects on our overall wellbeing. If not properly addressed and released, unhealthy ways of thinking, patterns of behavior, traumas, phobias and the associated negative emotions get stored in the connective tissues of our body in the form of neuropeptides. When we recall traumatic memories or when we are dealing with current stressful situations, our negative emotions get triggered and alter our biochemical balance, thus greatly affecting our physical and mental wellbeing. Fortunately today we have tools at our disposal to effectively deal with these issues, even during these challenging and stressful times.
Over the course of several years, I studied two of the most amazing healing modalities available: EFT tapping and BodyTalk. When these two modalities are used together as part of a treatment plan, I have seen clients experience profound and lasting results.
EFT Tapping
Simply stated, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a form of acupuncture for the achievement of emotional and mental wellbeing without the use of needles.
While researchers continue to study this system in order to better understand whether EFT tapping brings healing by restoring energy flow in the meridian channels or by simply calming down the amygdala alarm system and taking us out of the flight/fight response, there continues to be a growing body of evidence about the effectiveness of EFT in alleviating issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, phobias and more.
Although there are many good techniques available to release negative emotions, EFT definitely stands out for its simplicity, effectiveness and astonishingly fast results.
The latest scientific discoveries are increasingly showing that our mental health is directly affected by our physical health and vice-versa. As such, we can achieve long lasting wellbeing when we have a truly holistic approach that looks at the whole person. BodyTalk is a state-of-the-art approach to integrative mind/body medicine that considers physical, emotional, genetic and environmental influences as well as belief systems. It is based on the fact that our bodies have the ability to self-heal at all levels--mental, emotional and physical--as evidenced for example by the healing process that is automatically initiated when a person cuts a finger or twists an ankle. This automatic, self-guided healing process is part of the body’s inborn intelligence, or the “innate wisdom”; of the body, as we call it in BodyTalk. However, when we accumulate stressors of any kind without properly releasing them, our body-mind complex stores those negative factors and overtime, its ability to adapt and self-heal becomes compromised, leading to chronic mental, emotional and physical symptoms.
When that occurs, profound and lasting healing can be achieved if we bring awareness to all the stressors we are holding onto in our bodies and let go of them, thus gradually restoring our innate ability to self-heal. As a BodyTalk practitioner, I have been trained to identify the true underlying causes behind your symptoms and then use a variety of techniques to help your body fully release the unwanted stressors.
During an EFT session, I help the client identify events, emotions, or other stressors and guide him or her through the process. This involves tapping on acu-points while saying specific statements or thinking about particular aspects of events that elicit emotions and lead toward their resolution.
During a BodyTalk session, the client lies on a massage bed fully clothed while I facilitate communication with the innate wisdom of the body through neuromuscular biofeedback, similar to applied kinesiology. If the client prefers, however, he/she can remain seated comfortably on a couch while I use a touchless approach to guide him or her through the session. Understanding that your body has an inherent knowledge of itself helps me, as a BodyTalk Practitioner, to follow the body’s guidance through what we refer to in BodyTalk as “structured intuition.” I am then able to locate the imbalances within the body-mind complex that are a priority. I then use different non-invasive techniques depending on the nature of the imbalance that bring back higher levels of awareness, let go of stressors, reestablish communication patterns within the body/mind complex and gradually restore self-healing processes previously hindered by the holding of unhealthy patterns. These techniques include specific ways of breathing, tapping, bringing focus to body parts, the engagement of the subconscious mind and more.
Healing Pathways is pleased to welcome Roberto Scordari,a certified Clinical Social Worker since 2023 and a certified BodyTalk practitioner since 2014 who has also been trained in Emotional Freedom Techniques, EMDR, Bodyintuive and other modalities. You can read his profile here, or contact us to set up an appointment with him.