Attachment and Trauma Focused Counseling Services

Clare Julian Carbone, LCSW

Clare Julian Carbone, LCSW



Clare Julian Carbone


"There was a dawn remembered when my soul heard something from your soul." ~Rumi~

The therapeutic encounter allows for the kind of "dawning" which Rumi alludes to. Who am I at my truest being? What lessons am I meant to learn in this lifetime? What gifts do I bring to this world? What is the greater good I want to serve? Each human journey is a mysterious and beautiful evolution of understanding who we are and why we are here. We often lose sight of our inner beauty and goodness due to what seems like life's betrayals, traumatic experiences, and overwhelming challenges.

In the therapeutic setting we can explore together the experiences, patterns, belief systems, and blockages which often keep us from finding our way back and reclaiming the light we truly are.

My experience as a hospice chaplain and former contemplative nun add a spiritual quality to my therapeutic approach. I am EMDR trained and have completed Reiki Master certification. I am a committee member of Archetypology of Everyday Life - a group focused on professional education in depth psychology, and am actively involved in Interfaith dialogue, friendship and peace efforts.

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