Attachment and Trauma Focused Counseling Services

Liz Harrell, LMFT


Liz Harrell


I have always wanted to work where I could help people.  It is up to us to create the beautiful world we want.   I also have experience in art, child development/child care, interior design, all things I love.  I am currently trying to learn more about plants, growing my own food and homesteading.    Having chickens was not as easy as I thought!

I specialize in Children-play therapy, couples, families, crisis care, trauma, depression, personality disorders, LGBTQ+ issues and affirmative space, blended families, divorce, faith transitions, and more.  

I love my work as a therapist.   I am constantly inspired by the stories, emotions, courage and vulnerability of my clients.    They are truly some of the most amazing humans I have met.   I love helping children and families navigate difficult struggles, supporting individuals healing from past trauma, and feeling heartbroken with those that are marginalized in our communities.    We all have stories to tell, miles to go and hearts to heal.

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